December 14, 2023
Here is our district newsletter for December.

September 21, 2023
Here is our district board report . It includes an update regarding Ferndale Elementary School and Ferndale High School. Here is our September board packet for reference.

August 16, 2023
Here is our district board report . It includes an update regarding Ferndale Elementary School and Ferndale High School.

June 20, 2023
Here is our first district board report . We are excited about the upcoming summer and the maintenance projects that students and families can see when school begins.
Stay Tun...

May 9, 2023
May Superintendent/Principal Board Report.

April 20, 2023
April Superintendent/Principal board report

March 9, 2023
Good Evening,
Each month the staff, students, and I prepare a report to the Board of Trustees on the fantastic events your students have been doing at school. We'd love you t...

February 9, 2023
Good Evening,
Each month the staff, students, and I prepare a report to the Board of Trustees on the fantastic events your students have been doing at school. We'd love you t...
January 12, 2023
Good Evening,
Each month the staff, students, and I prepare a report to the Board of Trustees on the fantastic events your students have been doing at school. We'd love you t...

December 15, 2022
Good Evening,
Each month the staff, students and I prepare a report to the Board of Trustees on the amazing events your students have been doing at school. We'd love for you ...
September 8, 2022
Starting Monday, September 12th, all Kindergarten to 3rd grade students will be dismissed in the front of the school on Shaw Avenue. You will no longer be able to pick your child ...

August 15, 2022
Please join the Parent Club Tuesday, August 16th at 4:00pm. We're having an outside summer clean up day to get things in shape for the beginning of the school year. There will al...

May 2, 2022
Bring your enthusiasm to support your child's school and be a part of our Parent Club on May 17th at 6:00pm in the FES cafeteria.
Parent Club holds meetings monthly so that i...
April 28, 2022
It's time to enroll our TK and K students for the 2022-23 school year!
Why TK?
• Free public school program
• Developmentally appropriate
• curriculum
• Fully cred...

March 29, 2022
Watch The 3rd Grade Play from April 14, 2022 Everyone is invited to attend this year's 3rd grade play, Alice's Adventures with Idioms.
The play is directed by 3rd Grade Teache...

February 16, 2022
Thank you for supporting our Book Fair. It was great to see parents, grandparents, students and friends enjoying selecting books together. We raised over $1,600 to purchase new ...

October 22, 2021
FUSD will be closed for Veterans Day on Thursday, November 11th.

October 22, 2021 We are excited to announce the “Ferndale Elementary School Mustangs” YouTube page. This allows us the ability to broadcast live games for relativ...
October 27, 2020
Dear Ferndale families,
There are so many virtual opportunities for your students to take advantage of during this time to explore higher education. Please check out the follow...